Saturday, June 2, 2007

prada hamdbag pictures

Kaliban continued examination. Yes, confirmed Tsarndirl, in the following assault more than people will for sure take participation where as. Certainly, it did agree, navryad old man von gramz as before very quietly sits to himself in the lock, waiting until the solution of its own lot. But this no longer in it, Tsarndirla, scope. They will order, it is said, to storm empty lock, let us go and we will storm. Let us carry out everything that not it will order our boss, Guerras Schmidt.
Dok showed Tsarndirlu one of the tiny plastic hemispheres. The explanations of German confirmed his bylye guesses.
however, Metallicheskiy console box and blotches on head of animals proved to be the usovershenstvovannoy model of the own inventions Of kalibana, the work on which there is no time interrupted its temporary insanity, side effect of the action of elixer. The electronic filling of hemispheres, connected through the openings in the skull with all important nerve centers, prada transmitted to the panel the visual image of all fact that was located in the field of the sight of animal, and also it made it possible to govern its behavior and emotions. Most effective picture proved to be, naturally, in the case of using the farsighted eagles and to them similar.
Operator achieved an attack, exciting the cerebral centers of animal, critical for the aggressive behavior, and it could throw animals in the battle either on one or with entire flock. But to isolate thus one assault objective of a number of others was impossible. Only most skillful of the operators by the instantaneous alternation of the states of aggression and fear taught to manage a similar task, even then is very rough.
Ekran of control panel assumed simultaneously to twenty pictures, and the experienced operator possessed the possibility to govern animals both in the flock and it is selective, although without the desirable accuracy.
Kogda Of kalibana seized folly, it was already close to the creation of prototype. Nine immortal, after understanding that in face of the former servant they have now pitiless enemy, stole all materials of both his laboratory- records and drawings of the devices, which the dock began to develop on their task.

prada hamdbag

Kaliban, after encountering in the lock with the wolves, immediately suspected wrong. And at the same time it began to estimate, where operator can be hidden. However, although the connection of panel with the manager hemisphere was confidently achieved only on the straight line, in the walls of lock it is easy to hide the simplest cable retranslators, so that control hamdbag panel could prove to be as conveniently far from the scene of action.
Dok attempted to vyznat' in Tsarndirla and the frequency, with the aid of which the action on animals was achieved, but that even did not have a concept, with which the discussion deals. Kaliban not too distress- this can be verified, also, according to the instrument.
V door- after the the preventive hail- glanced At berni.

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